Sina and Kenzie

It's so exciting beginning a new year: more resolutions to forget about after the first day, another year of school and more fun times to be had. Have a great time tonight ringing in the New Year and we will see you all again in 2010!!
Sina and Kenzie
In the holiday spirit, my cousins constructed this snowman... 18 feet high! How crazy is that? It's even on the Kare 11 website. Just thought it was probably the coolest snowman ever created and decided to share it with you all.
In case you wanted to know: he has a construction cone for a nose, hockey pucks for buttons, a toilet box for a hat, plates for eyes (with blue lights underneath) and a scarf made from tablecloths.
Pretty cool huh?
Sina and Kenzie

I am loving this break from school! This morning I am lounging in my jammies while watching The Office re-runs and playing with my spirited pooch. The family is all gone (either working or on vacay) so it's just me and Rhubarb (my pup) on this beautiful snowy day in Wisconsin.

This is the view from my house... Isn't it just lovely with all the fresh snow!
Sina and Kenzie

I’m sure few, if any, of you are Packer fans but I was just in Green Bay this weekend for the football game. I’m a pretty big fan and the games are always fun. I have been to numerous games and they all are great but this last one topped ‘em all.

First of all, I looked horrific. It was snowy, windy and a chilly 27 degrees so I was bundled up from head to toe.

But at the two-minute warning in the fourth quarter, they started playing that song Jump Around that always gets everyone out of their seats dancing. Well I was one of them and was caught on camera… you could even see me on the Jumbotron. How cool is that?

Sina and Kenzie
Has anyone else noticed that when you go home- its jut not the same as it once was "back in the day"? When I was in high school, it seemed like I was almost always doing something, and I was never home... Now when I go home, all I seem to do is sit and eat food (and not the healthy stuff either). Why is that? I think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that people do not come home anymore, and when they do, they stay for just the holiday, and then get the heck out... I am only here for the whole week, and I am bored as all get out... Please, if anyone has any ideas of activities, or things to do- let me know... I think I am dying!

Thanks everyone!
Sina and Kenzie

First of all-Happy Holidays to all of our followers!

Today is my 21st birthday!! Yes, it’s on Christmas. Now don’t be confused by the title here, I’m not crying or sad or anything, just thought it fit with my message. I get the short end of the birthday stick every year, but not this year, no! Every year I deal with the ever-popular phrase “MERRY CHRISTMAS, oh by the way happy birthday” and this is the year I say enough. I am going to enjoy this day to the fullest and that means saying no to a few things:

  1. No Mom, I can’t help cook today, it’s my birthday.
  2. No Dad, I can’t clear the table today, it’s my birthday.
  3. No Andy (brother), I can’t baby-sit for our little rascal cousins today, it’s my birthday.

Yes, it sounds a little selfish but so what, if for any one day of the year you can be selfish, it’s your birthday.

Basically, I am going to milk this as long as I can get away with it (which means in my family, probably about 30 seconds till the laughs break out and I’ll be in an apron with dozens of wild children jumping all over me).

But for these few moments of pure happiness, I am lovin it!

Sina and Kenzie
Hope all you followers have a fabulous Christmas Eve with your families and loved ones!!!
Sina and Kenzie
Since I have been in school, I have had this problem of saving all of my Christmas shopping until the last minute. Well, this year, with finals being the week of Christmas, I had to venture out today, the day before Christmas Eve, and then since people were out of their minds, I will now have to go out again tomorrow- CHRISTMAS EVE...

Seriously people, when I have something in my hands, that does not mean "oh sure, go ahead, I am done with it- it's ALL yours", and when I am clearly looking at something, and it happens to be the last one, do NOT grab it, and then when not even a foot away, comment to your significant other about the dumb little girl you just took it from... NOT COOL!!!

Ok, now that I have been able to vent a little, I am prepared to embrace the people of the world yet again, and head on out into the chaos! good luck to me!†
Sina and Kenzie

I just arrived home and it was quite a welcome… from my psychotic dog. I actually think she may be worse than that dog Marley from Marley and Me. My dog Ruby is 7 months old and she is totally insane-she is even the worst dog in her obedience class. In the last week she has torn apart her memory foam bed (OK she’s a little spoiled), eaten aluminum soda cans, chewed up her invisible fence collar and stole a package from the mailman, leaving us to find it completely torn to shreds. Just today, as my brother was making Jell-O, she jumped up to the counter and was inches away from enjoying the sugary powder (I can only imagine what could of happened with all that sugar). Besides the fact that she’s up for America’s Naughtiest Dog, she’s pretty cute, huh? But nonetheless, I think she may flunk out of doggie school.

Sina and Kenzie

First of all, I dedicate this to my good friend Meredith. No matter how crazy you are, I love every bit of it and am right there with you!

In the midst of finals week you see it all: caffeine highs and lows, sleepless bodies wandering the halls, packed library and frantic students running to turn in their papers at the last possible second. It happens every semester and even though we always manage to make it through, we are continuously thinking “How the heck am I supposed to finish on time?” We look to all sorts of things (Red Bull anyone) and hope that it has magical powers to kick our butts into gear but in a way all that caffeine only adds to the ‘losing it’ factor. It was only today that I saw numerous people who were losing it, including myself. A friend of mine forgot to zip her pants up, I tripped up the stairs with coffee in my hands and spilt everywhere (not a pretty sight, oh and like you’ve never done it before), we forget where we put things and practically break down until we realize they’re in our pants pockets. The key is to keep your sanity by just laughing at yourself and knowing that an entire month of not having to enter the school is waiting for you. Good luck on the rest of your finals and for those of you who are done, Happy Holidays!

Sina and Kenzie

With just 5 days till Christmas, I think each and every one of us is excited for the big day. I know I am! I cannot believe how fast Christmas comes up every year and this year is no exception. The only thing that gets a little tough is the fact that I have gotten a total of one gift so far and with the two days I have left to shop at home, every store will be pure pandemonium. I’m running out of ideas for my loved ones and my original, usually ingenious gift giving ways have come to a screeching halt. Are you still allowed to give ‘one hug’ coupons after the age of 10?

Sina and Kenzie

Perusing the coffee table books at Barnes & Noble we came across a book that was just too funny to walk past. ‘Extraordinary Chickens’ was it’s name and gracing the cover was this ridiculous looking chicken. We had to share it with all of you along with the fact that I’m pretty sure he’s Mims’ long lost dad.

Sina and Kenzie

A friend of mine decided to make dinner for her boyfriend tonight and because she is not exactly what you would call an ‘experienced cook’, I decided to help her out (not that I’m much better). We decided on lasagna, which seemed like an easy and delicious meal. Well, let’s just say that no matter how many people you have working on a meal, it does not guarantee it to turn out as you imagine. Regardless of the odds stacked against us, we managed to create quite the lasagna. Yes that right Rachel Ray… you better watch your back! Not only was it delicious… it turns out that we are quite entertaining as chefs. Reciting 'bam' and 'pow' every step of the way just as our Four Fathers did. It’s only a matter of time before we’re on Food Network.

Sina and Kenzie
We managed to cause quite the ruckus when we cracked the ceiling of the people below us... Yea, thats right... We were getting that CARAZY!!!!

In tradition, we dressed to the nines! Metallic skin tight leggings (and by skin tight we mean you had to diet for a month to get in to them and baby powder probably would have been a good idea for getting them off), glow in the dark neon shirts that we made ourselves, and we were looking fine, as you can imagine!

We make the party, so of course upon our arrival we were eagerly greeted by everyone (a.k.a. the three people hiding in the shadows who we could not see), but regardless our get-ups were a success, as was the night...
Sina and Kenzie
"It's like a rubiks cube for idiots."
-Meredith trying to untangle her earphones
Sina and Kenzie
First and foremost: thank you SO very much for following our blog... We are trying our darndest to keep you entertained and satisfied, and we are having a great time doing it!!!

Next: For those of you who do not have pictures on your icons... GET ONE! It really is not that difficult, and if you need a little tutorial, we can talk you through it... It makes it fun for us to see you all on our page...

Then: For those of you who have pictures... NICE WORK! You figured it out, and we are very proud of you!

Thank you so much following and please do NOT stop reading... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Sina and Kenzie

This weeks topic of discussion is the one-night stare phenomena. Because I am more partial to the female species being that I am one, I will verbally demonstrate the happenings of a one-night stare. The night is designated as ladies night, we gather all our most eligible and fabulous girlfriends for a night out on the town. After hours of bathing, lathering, foofing, and eyelining we make our way to the most crowded bars.

This is where the games begin. Once we arrive we immediately assess our surroundings, taking note of the couples, who’s with who, and most importantly the group of single guys who just ordered a round of drinks from the bar. We find an area with open seating and begin to indulge in our own cocktails. We laugh, we talk, and after accomplishing what might possibly be the worst karaoke interpretation of Shania Twains ‘Man I feel like a woman’ you spot him, the tall scruffy blonde making eye contact with you from across the room.

First you play coy, look away, and try your damndest to look cute while cracking jokes with the girls regarding your inability to control your vocal cords when under the influence. A few minutes pass you reapply that glossy pout of yours, look in his direction and once again your eyes lock. You are flattered, curious, and very much interested in this mysterious mountain man who can’t seem to get enough.

But soon bar time approaches and those stares that have continued throughout the night have been nothing more than that, Stares. The crowd slowly exits the bustling bar like cattle, as the bouncers and bartenders harass you as if you just stepped foot into ‘the buckle’. The next thing you know your fabulous self grabs your handbag and gathers the girls to hail the next available taxi, leaving without a name or number from mister sassy pants who made no effort to introduce himself. Now to be completely honest we women are very much capable of approaching a man, but in truth we wished to be wooed so we defiantly wait to no avail.

Now boys, take out your paper and pen because I have a few notes for you. If a woman spends the entire night making eye contact with you, and doesn’t have an obvious look of disgust upon her face that is your cue to go and approach her. After a few moments of casual conversation and you find yourself interested in the woman, then you ask for her number and follow up with an invitation to meet again. Now, when I say an ‘invitation’ that excludes “We should hang out sometime” or “ Call me this weekend if you plan on going out’. A woman doesn’t go to the bar to meet quality guy friends who want to chill and talk about the latest version of Halo, a woman wants you to take her to dinner, a movie, go for a cup of coffee, and if money is an issue there are no excuses we live next to one of the largest lakes in the world and therefore a night on the boardwalk can be much more appealing than a five course meal.

-Trudy Weigel

Sina and Kenzie

Is it just me or does the 'phallic' moon in the background of this painting look like Jesus Christ on the cross? I may have had one too many Red Bulls and lost all sense of sanity but I really thought this in my Impressionist class. It could have been a church dance...

Sina and Kenzie
Being an Art History major there are advantages and disadvantages. As far as I'm concerned at this point in the semester, they are mostly disadvantages (papers, papers, papers). Not only is my sanity completely gone but my diet has consisted of Red Bull and too much of it! I feel as if I could run a marathon yet I can't seem to write the last pages of my 15-page paper. HELP!'s a little quote of the day that goes with this post:
"You know your hooked on red bull when 'curried carrot and red bull soup' sounds good."
-Burrito Union is now offering the soup and Sina just had to get it with her burrito (Red Bull-aholic)
Sina and Kenzie

“Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I donno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me—no, don’t sue me. That is opposite the point I’m trying to make.”

-Michael Scott, The Office

Sina and Kenzie
Every once in a while, you feel like your something special. Your life is going good, you have a great (what you mistake for great) guy in your life and your top of the world. Then reality smacks you right in the gut and you realize that that was yesterday and today your back to your 'single' life of Little Debbie's and mint chocolate chip ice cream for dinner. These people that we have fussed over for however long have dumped us and moved on to some new flavor of the month. However, occasionally you will find the oddball in this grouping that apparently feels so completely sorry for hurting you and texts you months after it all. What the heck is this? Is your conscience really that guilty that you have to text me months later to apologize? Seriously... I have moved on. I suggest you do the same!
Sina and Kenzie
It's sad how you can become addicted to something so easily isn't it? In the past few months, I have recently started the facebook game "Farmville" and am way too involved in it (which I fear may be an understatement). It is so bad that it has become a regular part of my daily schedule, and I have even stayed up later than I was planning on staying up because "my crops were ready for harvesting"... Now that is just sick!

As well as farmville, I have started to watch Mad Men, via netflix. The problem with netflix is that that you can only get a few of the episodes at a time- so you have to wait until the next disc gets to you in the mail... The anticipation KILLS! The show sucked me in after one episode, and I was hooked. I immediately went onto my netflix (rather my roommates netflix account that she so generously shares with me) and moved the ENTIRE season up to the number one spot... Again, kind of sad...

I believe it is my caring and loving personality that makes me this way...