Sina and Kenzie
Since I have been in school, I have had this problem of saving all of my Christmas shopping until the last minute. Well, this year, with finals being the week of Christmas, I had to venture out today, the day before Christmas Eve, and then since people were out of their minds, I will now have to go out again tomorrow- CHRISTMAS EVE...

Seriously people, when I have something in my hands, that does not mean "oh sure, go ahead, I am done with it- it's ALL yours", and when I am clearly looking at something, and it happens to be the last one, do NOT grab it, and then when not even a foot away, comment to your significant other about the dumb little girl you just took it from... NOT COOL!!!

Ok, now that I have been able to vent a little, I am prepared to embrace the people of the world yet again, and head on out into the chaos! good luck to me!†
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