Sina and Kenzie

First of all-Happy Holidays to all of our followers!

Today is my 21st birthday!! Yes, it’s on Christmas. Now don’t be confused by the title here, I’m not crying or sad or anything, just thought it fit with my message. I get the short end of the birthday stick every year, but not this year, no! Every year I deal with the ever-popular phrase “MERRY CHRISTMAS, oh by the way happy birthday” and this is the year I say enough. I am going to enjoy this day to the fullest and that means saying no to a few things:

  1. No Mom, I can’t help cook today, it’s my birthday.
  2. No Dad, I can’t clear the table today, it’s my birthday.
  3. No Andy (brother), I can’t baby-sit for our little rascal cousins today, it’s my birthday.

Yes, it sounds a little selfish but so what, if for any one day of the year you can be selfish, it’s your birthday.

Basically, I am going to milk this as long as I can get away with it (which means in my family, probably about 30 seconds till the laughs break out and I’ll be in an apron with dozens of wild children jumping all over me).

But for these few moments of pure happiness, I am lovin it!

1 Response
  1. Miss M Says:

    LOVE THIS! I have to say that I am more excited that today is your birthday than the fact that it is christmas.....dont get me wrong jesus was a cool cat....but you take the cake in my book! (im a jew therefore I have the right to say that...ahahhaha)

    Anywho I cant wait to talk to you/see you/get you drunk!
    Love you McKenzieMcKool!

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