Sina and Kenzie
we had some "technical difficulties" if you hadn't noticed... we our new blog site is

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kenzie and sina
Sina and Kenzie
I absolutely love watching trailers on the Apple Trailers web page and I came across this little gem while scanning the latest movies. Being an art history major I love when I come across famous art pieces in today's world appropriated to something completely different and hilarious.
The picture above is Steve Carell in Dinner for Schmucks. The movie doesn't look that great but there is one scene that I could not stop myself from laughing. As you can see, he re-enacts the Last Supper with rat corpses. Even the perspective scheme is correct! Well done is all I have to say!

P.S. Here is the link to the trailer on Youtube if you want to see more of the Last Supper scene (scan to 0:47 for the Last Supper scene):
Sina and Kenzie
Just wanted to say thank you to those viewers who have been posting comments! I know it sounds corny but we really do love hearing from you all and the comments let us know that you actually read this. If your shy, fine, but we are not shy people and judge no one - well, except B Dubs and they brought that on themselves. Glad to hear from you who did, thanks a million!

Talk soon, hopefully we are keeping your interest. Oh and if you have anything you would like us to post on, just post the question or comment where you would typically comment. Believe me, we read them all and love them!
Sina and Kenzie
I went to Chicago, and as you may have read on the last post, I was feeling rather sorry for myself... However, the windy city pulled through and I had a great time.

My roommate had checked into the hotel the night before, so while I was sitting in the lobby, writing my Senior paper, and feeling all alone, I could have been in the hotel sleeping- since I did get up at 4am... Ah well...

I checked in, went to my room, and met my roommate, who was pretty cool... We got along, and spent pretty much the majority of the next 36 hours together.

The next day, when I arrived back home from Chicago, I was greeted by two friends who were holding a sign with my name on it... Made out of GLITTER. How sweet is that? (I have a love for glitter)

So followers, consider this an apology for my pity party that I wrote last time- it shall never happen again. Well, I hope not at least...
Sina and Kenzie

I like healthy stuff as much as the next organic health nut but as a college student I’m not a fan of buying that overpriced, no-flavor, under-processed food. As Amy Poehler once said in Baby Mama, “That stuffs for rich people who hate themselves”. My point exactly.

I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while and am down to my usual PB&J sandwiches and packets of Crystal Light’s Iced Tea (hey, it's better than water).

I did find a few gems hidden away in my freezer though this weekend that helped me through. This was probably one of my unhealthiest weekends ever. No, it was not an unhealthy intake of alcohol but an intake of junk food. I finished off Girl Scout’s Thin Mint cookies, Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia (my favorite ice cream ever) and leftover Easter candy; my body will be thanking me tomorrow when I head back to the gym to conquer this workout I’ve since left in the dust.

Sina and Kenzie

What’s the strangest date you’ve ever been on? I’m not talking dinner and a movie… more like unfortunate events or funny stories. Everyone has a few of those stashed away for a good laugh.

My story never actually went thru but a guy once asked me to a Martin Luther King Jr. march down at the DECC. First of all, I really wasn’t that interested in this guy and didn’t want to lead him on. Second, Martin Luther King Jr. march? I’m all for the civil rights movement and what Dr. King did but doesn’t that sound like a weird place to take a girl you just met and she gave you her number because she probably had one too many?

That is exactly the way it happened. I had seen him around school often and he would always stop and stare and then give a smile. I told my friend about him and one day as we’re walking to class; there he is on the phone. He begins stuttering and staring at the same time. My friend, making note of the obvious awkward moment, begins to laugh hysterically right in front of his face (she thought this would let him know what he was doing). We went on with our lives and a few weeks later I ran into him one night out.

I never went to the march but I do think this story is pretty funny. Now, your turn! Leave a comment (you can do it even if your not a follower) about your strangest date… everyone has one!

Sina and Kenzie
Chicago... The windy city... Chi-town... This is where I am for the next 36 hours, courtesy of Apple, which is great, but when my plain landed at 7:30- and I am by myself, and no one else is here from my program, and I am not able to check into the hotel, and there is NO internet to speak of until I check in- all I can say is "shiiiiiii"...

This was my first time on a plane by myself... I didn't die, so you could say it was a successful flight, right? Now, the plane was 3 seats wide and 20 rows long... Midget-plane... I literally thought it was going to be the end of my life... Thank goodness it was not!

While I am in Chicago by myself- I need to get creative of be outgoing (not that that is too tough) and try and meet people, because my goal for the night is to TEAR IT UP!!! However, I am also a million miles from downtown, and the only way to get there is my train, and my last experience on a train in Chicago- some person jumped in front of it as we were going by- so I think that I will be content in the hotel bar...

Chicago is a great city, however I think it might be better enjoyed when you are with people you know... Oh well, there is always next time!
Sina and Kenzie
How was your day today? The weather is b-e-a-utiful outside and I hope your all enjoying it.

I just got done with a huge paper and am looking forward to movies, wine and sleep in the upcoming days. Unfortunately, I have two more papers due in the upcoming weeks with lots of research to do. I really don't want to spend the next few beautiful days in the library... I think my procrastination has reached an all time high.
Sina and Kenzie
Annie Hall is one of my all-time favorite movies because of the one and only Diane Keaton. This is my favorite scene in the movie and I thought I would share it with all of you. I love how awkward she gets in the end and calls herself a jerk... Enjoy!

P.S. Annie kind of reminds me of myself. I love the fact that someone else may share the gene of over-talking and spilling your nonsense guts to someone else. La dee dah, la dee dah, la la.

Sina and Kenzie
My friend Meredith and I were rummaging through the food court one day looking for our favorite frozen snicker bars as a reward for our hard work of the day (goofing off through art history classes and chatting over our break). I like to people-watch wherever I am and was listening in on people's conversations (it's not a crime).

McKenzie: "I don't think I fit in here."
Meredith: "Are you kidding me... I look like Long Duk Dong!"

Sina and Kenzie
So, you're probably thinking "oh, mexican night... that sounds like a lot of fun"... Well let us tell you- you have no idea... Read on for the details of two interesting evenings in the life of these bloggers...

Part Uno:
The night started out as innocent as any other night- we had the idea to make nachos... Because it was mexican night, and I have an affinity for Patron tequila- as well as it being a necessary evening for Coronas- we indulged ourselves in either 7 or 8 shots of patron (we both cannot remember how many we ended up taking... whoopsydoops). As well as shots of delicious Patron, we had a corona with dinner... So- by now you are thinking- man, these girls must have been trashed... Well that is only in-part true... We ended up cupid shuffling down the middle of the street to my boyfriends house (he was having a little get together- and instead of sinking into the couch and banging ice skates together, it was good for us to get out)... Once at the house, one of us does not remember a whole lot of the evening, and the other broke a lamp (as she was trying to prove her relationship with a track star- and thought it would be a GRAND idea to hurdle over a table... I broke a lamp... enough said)... Overall, it was a night that both of us will remember forever (well, one of us, will remember parts of it)...

Part Dos:
Again, the idea to make nachos and drink some patron sounds like a good idea- and it was a nice day out- so how could ones such as ourselves resist such a temptation... We walked down to the store, got the necessary ingredients, and on the way back- we picked up one other little gem- the Patron (keep in mind this was at 4:30 in the afternoon, also)... We made our nachos, drank some Patron, and enjoyed each others nonsensical ways- laughing, singing, etc... We had began to plan going out that evening, and were waiting for some people to get back from a track meet- so we decided to watch a little of our favorite show- GLEE! Once our comrades arrived, we went out dancing... Again, this was a night that we both can remember the whole of- and we had a blast...

Now some words to you followers out there... Get yourself a bottle of Patron, grab a few close friends, make some Mexican food and enjoy the evening... You never know quite what will happen!
Sina and Kenzie
Here are some amazing animal pictures that I found whilst looking around the interwebs... Enjoy!
Sina and Kenzie
It's obvious I'm ready for summer. I am the blogger who is constantly counting down days till Christmas, spring break and now summer. What can I say, I love the time off!
So this particular post is not about my love of summer but the plans for summer. Do you have any fun travel ideas or plans in the upcoming months? I'm thinking about Twins games, boat rides, picnics and maybe even a road trip to New Mexico. Doesn't that sound fun? I really want to see the Lightning Field by the earth art artist Walter De Maria.
Have you guys taken any cool road trips? I think they're really fun especially with the right people, a good amount of junk food, no bears and a blow up mattress for my tent (I'm the worst camper ever). That's the one thing I'm not so ready for - camping. I've had some really bad experiences... an extremely loud owl, rocks under the tent, humid night and a horrendous rainstorm. But, I will get beyond my distaste for the uncomfortable outdoors and enjoy the beauty of this country... and then get back to my boat and making margaritas and guacamole for my girlfriends. Who doesn't love summer?
Sina and Kenzie

So- we were at Target the a little while back, and we noticed these little treasures hidden amongst a rack of clothes... My theory is that someone was hiding them- I mean who wouldn't want these beauts... So- I guess all I can say, is when trying to figure out what is sexy- look for things like these... See-through, colorful and with frill... Please, take our advice... Clearly we know... I mean look at us! (Kidding... Really)
Sina and Kenzie
Isn't it unbelievable that we are almost done with this semester. We're almost through another week being that it's Friday. My idiot moment of the week happened this wonderful morn; you know your brain has shut off when you show up to a class that was cancelled... oh, and it's at 9 a.m. I could've been sleeping! Oh well, I'm just glad it's Friday and I am ready for a great weekend to begin.
Sina and Kenzie

I was just reading a few magazines on my afternoon off and I realized something… everything in those magazines on hair, beauty, nails and even fashion is related to what a boy thinks of it. Am I the only one who finds this completely ridiculous?

Shouldn’t we dress the way we want to? I don’t want to dress like every other B Dubs on this campus that looks identical to the last; I’m not saying I’m one of those people with a super individual look or a bombshell in any way but I do not want to be associated with those gals. I’d rather wear sweats and glasses every day with no male attention, ever!

Okay, back to what I was getting at. All these articles were based on dating and relationships and how to style your hair or apply your perfume so that he’ll notice or smell your scent. Since when did women start following these rules? I don’t want to match every other woman out there. If all women did this we would have no individuality and look like robots in skanky dresses that showed off our boobs, legs and, according to these magazines, collarbone. I understand what men think is sexy (at least I thought I did) but that does not mean you have to conform to it. Be an individual and show off your quirky side. Yes, some people get freaked out (you should see the looks I get everyday) but at least they’ll know who you are right off the bat and you can start something fresh with a side of entertainment, you being the entertainment. If a guy doesn’t like you for your true, quirky (yes, everybody has a quirky side) self, then he’s probably not worth it in the end.

Sina and Kenzie
So... I guess it's been awhile since I posted a picture... So here are some things to get you through today... I hope...

Sina and Kenzie

As I posted earlier, my friend Meredith started a blog... I was busy posing for her Miss April look... although, I'm probably the worst model EVER because I'm constantly laughing and making a fool of myself. The serious look is not for me! So as I was posing for her highness, we did a few funny poses (the wine was a definite necessity for loosening up).

Here are a few poses of our always great times together and you can see the final look on Miss M's website. We obviously have some sense of humor in a world where Kenzie is a model... Enjoy!
Sina and Kenzie
If you do not like Glee (first of all, I don't want to ever hear any of you mutter those words) I apologize but we are just so excited for our fave show to come back to television. You don't understand... we even have the soundtrack blasting on our roadtrips and sing to the fellow drivers. They always give us the strangest expressions. But this is the newest promo for the show and I'm so ready for all the Glee drama to begin... Enjoy my fellow Gleeks!

P.S. I love Sue's Bravo comment!

Sina and Kenzie
Happy Easter my darlings...

Today was the best Easter ever (that meaning, we could actually wear springy clothes)! My family all gathered together for our usual holiday gathering full of eating, loud conversation and catching up. I have a huge family and we all have to compete to get a word in (the reasoning for my overly excessive talking habit). It was a beautiful day with great company and catching up.

The best part is my mom still gives my 17 year-old brother and I Easter baskets full of goodies. She still refers to the Easter bunny as the giver of gifts and I have no problem embracing that tradition if it means getting the goods that I get every year. Thanks Mom and Dad for a great holiday! And Happy Easter to all our fabulous followers.
Sina and Kenzie
So.. From time to time, my fellow blogger and I head up the road a ways and eat delicious gas station sushi... Now- for those of you who do not know what this phenomenon is, let me explain, before you judge us... There is this old abandoned gas station up the road near the Sam's Club, and adjacent to the gas station, attached by a wall or two, is this little gem we refer to as "gas station sushi"... I am not sure it has a real name in fact...

Anywho... While we were eating our meal one day, devouring delicious avocado and salmon sushi rolls and crunchy shrimp tempura rolls, we seemed to get the better of ourselves, and got lost in conversation- surprise surprise right... Well, when I realized that I was actually full, I had one lonely roll left over on my plate...

Now, we decided that this was pretty sad, and we could not just leave it sitting on my plate (well wooden board) all alone and unattended to- so we made one EPIC roll out of it. It turned into what I think can only be called a Wasabi Bomb Roll... One avocado and salmon roll, 5 layers of wasabi, in between each there was a thin slice of ginger, and to top it all off- a tail from one of our delicious crunchy shrimp tempura rolls.

Does anyone think this does not sound delicious? If you said yes to this, you have no idea what good food is...
Sina and Kenzie
You've all heard about my puppy, Ruby. I've shared a few of her high jinks's with you and I've got a few more to add to the collection. I came home early for Easter on Thursday to surprise my family. Ruby was by far the most surprised; jumping everywhere with a plastic bucket torn to shreds. (My mom had set out a plastic ice cream pail of water for Ruby while she was gardening yesterday. So what does the pup do, she dumps out the water and takes the bucket as a chew toy.) My mom came out of the door surprised and was still fuming from this dog's latest shenanigans.

In about 24 hours, here is the destruction list of Ruby, aka Houdini:
1. My grandmother had made Manicotti for my family and there was one piece left, unattended at the edge of the counter. Ruby jumps up to the counter, snags the manicotti and runs to the dining room. By the time my dad got to her she had feasted and looked up at him with her usual expression of, 'what?, what did I do?'
2. Again, food. The butter dish my family has was sitting up on the counter. On her usual hunt through the kitchen, she jumped up and the butter dish fell and shattered. At least she cleaned up though... the edible part.
3. My mom was gardening all day yesterday and brought the hose out. Fifteen minutes later she finds Ruby chewing on a metal piece. Let's just say that hose is unusable now.
4. When my mother left to run an errand yesterday, Ruby (who has an electric fence) was free to roam the property for a measly 15 minutes. So what does she do? Run down to our lake, through the fence line, not able to get back in. My mom came home looking for her and heard barking. Ruby was sitting at the edge of the dock barking the entire time. She had to drag her across to get the dog to come through the line again.

Who/what will be her next victim? One can never know. If that all happened within 24 hours, I don't even want to know what's next.

P.S. How could that sweet little pup on the right turn into that mischievous animal on the left?

Sina and Kenzie
Did you play any jokes on anyone?

When my brother and I were little, we would try to come up with funny jokes to play on our parents or each other. We weren't the most creative and the plans usually backfired but it's always worth a try. The best I could come up with was tying a rubber band around the kitchen sink and even that wasn't my idea (my friend did it hours earlier and I thought I would give it a shot). My mom would find it before she even turned on the sink. Oh, well. What were your best pranks?