Sina and Kenzie

What’s the strangest date you’ve ever been on? I’m not talking dinner and a movie… more like unfortunate events or funny stories. Everyone has a few of those stashed away for a good laugh.

My story never actually went thru but a guy once asked me to a Martin Luther King Jr. march down at the DECC. First of all, I really wasn’t that interested in this guy and didn’t want to lead him on. Second, Martin Luther King Jr. march? I’m all for the civil rights movement and what Dr. King did but doesn’t that sound like a weird place to take a girl you just met and she gave you her number because she probably had one too many?

That is exactly the way it happened. I had seen him around school often and he would always stop and stare and then give a smile. I told my friend about him and one day as we’re walking to class; there he is on the phone. He begins stuttering and staring at the same time. My friend, making note of the obvious awkward moment, begins to laugh hysterically right in front of his face (she thought this would let him know what he was doing). We went on with our lives and a few weeks later I ran into him one night out.

I never went to the march but I do think this story is pretty funny. Now, your turn! Leave a comment (you can do it even if your not a follower) about your strangest date… everyone has one!

5 Responses
  1. Rochelle Says:

    I grew up on a farm and one day I had to milk cows before a date. As it turns out, I didn't have time to shower before so spritzed on some perfume I went out anyway. I never heard from him again.

  2. Thanks mom! I don't blame him... the smell on the farm is terrible! Haha.

  3. Kaylyn Kruse Says:

    My roommate went on a first date with a guy that I told her she wouldn't like, but of course she had to see for herself-- he picked her up for a dinner date (just wait...) and they were making awkward small talk as they left our apartment parking lot. She said, "So what did you do today?" and he said, "Oh, um, I was at the doctor pretty much all day." and shes like, "Oh really? Why were you at the doctor" "Uh... I have really bad foot fungus...."

    hahah ummm TURN THE CAR AROUND... not hungry anymore. Unfortunately she didn't have the heart to tell him that- so she sat through a ridiculously awkward dinner and even had to pay.

    Needless to say there wasn't a second date....

  4. Hahaha. That's so gross! Some people do not get the horrors of over-sharing... that's a pretty bad one. Thanks.

  5. Miss M Says:

    Where to begin....

    Just turned 18 and went out for the first time with a college boy, needless to say I was more infatuated with his college status then with his personality. On our first and only date he insisted on meeting my parents, tried to make out with me in front of my father (Who is the size of the jolly green giant) and proceeded to knee me in the crotch because he considered that to be foreplay. (We hadn;t even been kissing at the moment, so why he felt foreplay necessary I will never know)

    Freshmen year of college and my first date since the big break-up with my high school sweetheart. It had been a blind date set up by a friend living in the dorm next to mine, she insisted that he was a great guy, perfect for me, and that he had his eye on me since I posted a comment on her FB wall. I met him in the school foodcourt to have coffee and a chat. I should have known that any romantic meeting in a college cafeteria was destined to be a disaster. The whole conversation was revolved around his last girlfriend, how much he missed her and venting his rage about how she cheated on him with his best friend. As if that wasn't enough he followed this pity party with an invite to go to his dorm and watch the newest episode of Deperate Housewives.

    No wonder I hate dating.

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