Sina and Kenzie

I like healthy stuff as much as the next organic health nut but as a college student I’m not a fan of buying that overpriced, no-flavor, under-processed food. As Amy Poehler once said in Baby Mama, “That stuffs for rich people who hate themselves”. My point exactly.

I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while and am down to my usual PB&J sandwiches and packets of Crystal Light’s Iced Tea (hey, it's better than water).

I did find a few gems hidden away in my freezer though this weekend that helped me through. This was probably one of my unhealthiest weekends ever. No, it was not an unhealthy intake of alcohol but an intake of junk food. I finished off Girl Scout’s Thin Mint cookies, Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia (my favorite ice cream ever) and leftover Easter candy; my body will be thanking me tomorrow when I head back to the gym to conquer this workout I’ve since left in the dust.

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