Sina and Kenzie
Chicago... The windy city... Chi-town... This is where I am for the next 36 hours, courtesy of Apple, which is great, but when my plain landed at 7:30- and I am by myself, and no one else is here from my program, and I am not able to check into the hotel, and there is NO internet to speak of until I check in- all I can say is "shiiiiiii"...

This was my first time on a plane by myself... I didn't die, so you could say it was a successful flight, right? Now, the plane was 3 seats wide and 20 rows long... Midget-plane... I literally thought it was going to be the end of my life... Thank goodness it was not!

While I am in Chicago by myself- I need to get creative of be outgoing (not that that is too tough) and try and meet people, because my goal for the night is to TEAR IT UP!!! However, I am also a million miles from downtown, and the only way to get there is my train, and my last experience on a train in Chicago- some person jumped in front of it as we were going by- so I think that I will be content in the hotel bar...

Chicago is a great city, however I think it might be better enjoyed when you are with people you know... Oh well, there is always next time!
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