Sina and Kenzie
So... I am a FIRM believer in Christmas should start the day after Halloween, however, it seems that the common person disagrees with me on this issue. They think that the season shouldn't begin the day after Thanksgiving... I think that people need to get on board with my way of the season...
This weekend, I went to the Christmas parade in town, and it made me oh so very happy to see all of the lights and the music and the floats.

Now, I would just like to say to all of the people trying to kill my Christmas spirit- knock it off!!! I like the holiday, the general good feeling that you get, the merriment, the atmosphere and EVERYTHING having to do with this time of year. It doesn't happen any other time of year, so let me have my happiness- ok?

So, please... for the people of the world unite- stop killing my spirit, and let me enjoy myself, and you should try it too!
4 Responses

  1. Miss M Says:

    So does this mean i can celebrate Martin Luther King day two months ahead of time? That is my favorite I am going to hop on board to this 'embracement' of exceptionally long holiday celebrations and start blasting Mr.Kings "I Have a Dream" speech in my car starting next week!

  2. Go for it Ledig! Only you could pull that off!

  3. Unknown Says:

    Actually as long as people don't forget about the meaning of Thanksgiving I think it can be celebrated anytime of the year. After all it's the celebration of Christ and who would'nt want to start early since it's the most important day of the year and oh yeah it's important for another big reason. It's Kenzers birthday. You go girl! Love the site. It makes me want to relive college again. Oh yeah I skipped that part. I liked to eat way too much1 No ramen noodles for me.

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