Sina and Kenzie
This semester I was forced to take a foreign language for my major and my advisor suggested that German would work well. So I thought, what the heck? Well that's where I was wrong. German is kicking my butt and I find myself either staring out the window at die Vogel (the pigeons) or schlafen (sleeping). I find ways to help memorize the hundreds of words I was supposed to have learned by now when really I can only remember one phrase: Mien Name ist McKenzie. Well done!

I have been making up songs in the English language that help me with German words. For example: ledig meaning single="all my single ledig, all my single ledig" or fieber meaning fever="you give me fieber... fieber in the morgens, fieber all through the nachts".
Here's a word of advice to all you thinking about taking up a foreign language-spare yourself the humiliation of being the one person in the room who is apparently oblivious to all things German and take up crocheting instead!
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    hahaha love it kenzer. this one cracked me up. miss you!

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