Sina and Kenzie
So- as many of you are probably aware, the day before Thanksgiving is the biggest and most popular day to go out drinking in the bars with your old friends... It is the time to catch up, talk about how great things are going (or are not going for some- and for those people, I am sorry), and laugh, and have a generally good time... Well, this year was the first time that I was legally allowed to partake in this tradition- so like the follower that I am- I did...

Well, there are the people that you want to see (a.k.a. your friends and acquaintances from high school), and then there are those who you do NOT ever want to see again EVER, like the "popular" people, the jerks, the wannabe jocks, and the people who were just asses to you for no apparent reason. Well, it seems that these were the people that partook in this Thanksgiving's Eve day, and I got to see them in their high school glory days- because they have yet to leave the mindset of high school. I went out with the majority of the people that I would want to see, but there were a few people still that if I saw, I would not be upset- however they must have been hibernating, because they were nowhere to be found, MIA, disappeared off of the face of the planet!

For these people who are out there that have yet to leave the high school mindset- grow up! You are in college now... Partying is fun, yes, but there is more to life than just that. You also don't have to act like you don't know who I am- we went to school together for 3, 6, or 13 years (depending on who you are) and I am not a leper. I was not part of your "elite cool crowd", no, but I did exist.

Anyways, I did get to see my friends, so it was worth going out... and it was definitely an interesting experience seeing how people have changed, or not changed.
1 Response
  1. Matt B. Says:

    Yeah I had to ran what I like to call "the gauntlet" on Wednesday night. Pretty sure it was my almost-five-year high school reunion. I was like Sandy Frink in Romy & Michelle's High School reunion...without the helicopter!

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