Sina and Kenzie
The person I am currently "fake-dating" and I were out for a night on the town, celebrating his roommates birthday. The night started out like any other, drinking, dancing and having a generally good time. Lets just put it this way- he likes to dance... As we were a movin' and a groovin', his elbow just happened to meet my nose. At this point in time, my nose started to flow like the nile river in summertime.

Being an athlete, he is rather strong and has a muscle or two. Not knowing his strength, he, being the gentleman he is, carried me out of the bar. We rushed to the little girls room, where I then tried to stop the flow. From the outside of the bathroom, he stood at the door giving me advice and tips of how I could stop it. Eventually, I convinced him to enter the bathroom, where he helped for about 2 seconds, until a drunk chic came into the restroom and ruined our "moment".

The bleeding stopped after what seemed like forever, and we went back into the bar, where we were eagerly greeted by our group. Not the typical night, but an eventful one in the least.
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