When in a relationship is it acceptable to start calling each other by a nickname? I personally am not a fan of those ridiculously schmoopy names that you hear all too often. Are you ever walking down the hall and you hear a couple call each other muffin or sweetie, or anything referring to food for that matter, and are ready to barf? (I feel that way all the time.) We have collaborated with a few friends to give you lovers out there some sensational names for each other (please don’t use them, they are totally a joke).
1. Snuggleupagainstme (Snuffleupagus)
2. Muffin pants
3. Lovebug
4. Pookie
5. Baby-cakes
6. Honey-Bear
7. Snuggle Bunny
8. Honey Bunches
We have actually started calling each other by these nicknames as well (thats just how funny we find them):
Sina=Honey-Bear, McKenzie=Lovebug
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