There are two types of people: the undead- the kids who walk the halls like zombies, not making eye contact with people, bug bags under their eyes, and who clearly have not seen the sun in months... And then there is their polar opposite- the kids who are chipper caffeinated cheerleader types (too hyper for their own good), who I in turn end up wanting to smack in the face.
I seem to break from this mold... Now I know what you much be thinking- "hotty totty you!"- but its not like this... I got to sleep in one hour more than I would if I were working, so I felt a little rested (so no bags under my eyes- hence not the zombie... also, I had a large cup of coffee), and I nearly loathe the people who basically cheer for class to start and get to class 45 minutes early just so they can get the best seat in the class... I feel as though a healthy balance of the two is good- and I think I got it, although I felt a little bit more like a zombie today in biology...
Ha. Sina, where do you think I fall in this category?
I say that for the first two or three weeks you are the over excited, and then after that you indeed follow the masses and turn into the undead... thoughts?
Am I that "chipper caffeinated cheerleader" type?! oh nooo :/