Sina and Kenzie
And we're off again... the beginning of a brand new semester starts next week. Exciting. If only you could hear the enthusiasm in my voice (pure sarcasm). I'm not exactly the kind of person you would call a devoted student. I don't mind school but if I had endless amounts of money I would probably be drinking a glass of vino right now in Tuscany or lying on a beach in the Greek Isles eating baklava. School's fine and I know it's basically necessary in today's careers but a girl can dream, can't she? Let's put it this way, there's 8 1/2 weeks till spring break. Yes, I counted. It's pretty pathetic when your just starting a new semester, no, haven't even started, and your ready for spring break. Well folks, if your a professional relaxer (avoider of all things school related) like me, speak now! We can get through this semester together. The official countdown to spring break begins now. I know this seems early but this is what gets me through each week- thinking of margaritas, hammocks and my old friend, the sun. What are your plans for this year's break? Please do share.

58 days till freedom! (I know the number's a little high but it'll be here in no time at all)
2 Responses
  1. Lucas Jones Says:

    who wrote this, sina or kenzie?

    sina can attest that i certainly am not one to be severely studious, but i always got JACKED at the beginning of the semester:

    seeing everyone after break. seeing how people changed. seeing the new batch of girs that transferred in. looking at my course list and getting my books and looking at the syllabi and getting so excited about the possibility of knowledge, comprehension, and exciting ideas! the first week i was always going to be the best student ever....that lasted 2 weeks. ;)

  2. It was Kenzie. I agree that it's exciting to see everyone and that ones not on my complaint list. I guess I'm just not ready for the early morning classes, tests, homework and the oh so popular german.

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