Sina and Kenzie
As we moved into the new year, we decided to get buck wild... My man friend, his roommate, and our friend Meredith all ventured to the cities and we had the party of the old year.

First, we made a feast of hors d'oeuvres, then when the guests arrived, we headed out into the city for dinner at Ichibans Japanese Steakhouse- where they cook the food right at your table in front of you (dinner and a show!). Once dinner was complete, we left for home- we had all spent more than enough on dinner- and came to the conclusion that a night filled with ping pong and hot tubing would be suffice...

The ball dropped at midnight- which we all saw- and then a dance party began... Overall, I
believe that the night was a success- filled with laughs, drinks and bodies diving into the frigid snow!
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