Sina and Kenzie
My birthday is coming up, and I am freaked out... Why one may ask- well I feel as though I am getting old... Yes, I know, 22 is not old- but I am feeling old. My knees and hips are starting to hurt, my bones are aching (although that may have to do with changes in the temperature- which is also an age thing), and in general, I feel as though I need a giant nap...

Maybe this all has to do with the fact that there are no more important birthdays left for me other than 30, 40, and 50- and after that you are just praying that you can live to see the next day...

I apologize to our older followers if this is making you upset or sad, but as my birthday creeps closer and closer, and there is nothing all that great planned for it, I am just a little bit more anxious for the day to come... But it cant be all that bad right? People have been making past 22 for years! Im just the next one in line!
1 Response
  1. Kaylyn Kruse Says:

    Haha! Oh Sina.... You'll be fine! We might as well get you on some arthritis meds soon though if you're having that many issues!! ;)
    Can't wait to see you sooon!

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