Sina and Kenzie
So the girls and I started a brand-spankin' new workout this week courtesy of a friend who created it for three gals who want flat tummies, Beyonce booty's and an all around 'great' body. Now before this all started it sounded like a pretty sweet deal... personalized workout, great friends to do it with and a good attitude. Well now that attitude is basically gone flying out the window!

My days consist of cringing as a walk up or down stairs, putting on my clothes and even sitting down. What joy is there to life if your legs can barely move? (Basically, I have to pick each one up and place it a few inches ahead of the other and repeat)

I'm just praying this will all be worth it in the end... whoever said beauty is pain was not joking! But now all I want is to soak in a hot bubble bath and hope my muscles stop spazzing for a measly five minutes...
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