Sina and Kenzie
So... I am a follower of quite a few blogs (which I feel that it is a good thing to support our fellow bloggers out there).. However, as I get busier and busier, some of them get pushed to the wayside... I am sorry to those blogs that I can not make daily stops at...

This post is not about an apology as much as it is about my love of other blogs. There are so many cool things out there in the cyber world- images, ideas, etc. and it seems that the people that I follow have a pretty cool balance of all sorts of these things. So I would like to thank bloggers of the world unite for blogging and keeping up with it. I am sorry to our followers if we get behind (we do have lives to lead of our own and sometimes they get busy- we apologize), and we are trying to get better about this, and if there are anythings that you would like to see more or less of on our blog- please let us know! We are more than willing to take into account your suggestions (does not mean that we will listen necessarily, but we read them and take them into account at least)...

Also, as an avid blog follower- and a hugely visual person, I would like to start posting pictures that I find... So- here is the first of some to come!
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