Sina and Kenzie

It’s not new to those who know me that I can be a chatty Kathy and sometimes, just sometimes, not the best rule follower. My hard knocks German teacher has had it out for me since day 1 when she nearly separated my Deutsch partner and I. But who would have thought that the same distaste from our teacher would have rubbed off on all the other students? With every richtig or falsch question, we can’t answer or make a comment without getting the stink-eye from a fellow Deutsch learner.

I should have known from the start of what I was getting myself into when on the first day of class, the newbie to my right preceded to tell me he was practically fluent because he spent a whole two weeks with a host family when he was fifteen. Oh pa-lease!

But today took the cake. It was like kickball German style. Who wants to be on my team? …Silence. Not even one look back. There was an abundance of members in groups 1 through 3 ranging from 6 to 8 people… and then us. Leaving us Schwesters (sisters) to stand-alone yet again.

But it’s okay, Germans have never had the best taste… considering their American icon is David Hasselhoff.

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