Sina and Kenzie

Oh the drama! The bummer of going to a smaller school where everything is connected includes one teeny-tiny problem: running into that one person (or many if you get around) that you never wanted to see again. What is the proper etiquette for this? Do you do the turn and run or the be nice and try to pretend nothing ever happened?

I am usually the former of those two. But this constant déjà vu happens more often these days than ever… school, the gym, bars… aren’t there any other places to go in this town! I’m tempted to file a stalker suit but I think that might be a little extreme seeing they work in one of these places. Looks like my mother's wise advise of 'just get over it' and 'your too good for this doh head' are finally paying off, (I know, you don't get that advise from just anyone... she could rival the Dalai Lama on her expertise with advise) it's practically poetic.

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