Sina and Kenzie
I refer to this day often as the worst day of the week... this week at least. I knew it was going to bad from the start when I saw it was windy and snowing. I got my parka on and headed out into the unknown (basically, the bus stop and an unknown day ahead of me). It seemed to be going okay until I stepped off the bus and hit my head on the side mirror (for the second time)! After this I had a major headache and the day basically spiraled downward from there: sleep in an art history course, eat lunch, can't understand/sleep in German class, bus ride home (don't worry... won't make that mistake again) and now I have homework up the wazoo.

I think we all have a dislike for this terrible day of the week but I feel I have extreme animosity for it. The worst days in school history are usually on a Monday:
1. No Uniform Day- (I went to a private Catholic school for nine years) When the school finally lets you dress like a human being/regular child and your mother forgets to tell you that you don't have to wear your ugly green and blue tartan skirt that basically hits your middle calf. You show up to school humiliated because, let's face it, this was your one chance to prove you could actually dress yourself.
2. German Tests- Why do teachers seem to think it is okay to have a test on a Monday? I never remember these sorts of things.
3. The day you wear your shirt inside out and no one tells you. Finally, you take a bathroom break and realize your shirt is on either backwards or inside out.

These have all happened to me on Mondays and I for one am sick of the Monday morning mishaps.
1 Response
  1. Kaylyn Kruse Says:

    LOVE this. so true....
    and not going to lie- the whole "No Uniform Day" incident made me laugh out loud :) nice work... that made MY monday a little more enjoyable

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