Sina and Kenzie
So, as you followers may know by now... I love the day of love... Ha! So, for the big day, I did nothing of any consequence... My boyfriend was out of town, so there was no pressure to get out of bed and make myself look presentable, which was SO nice (not that i normally do- if you are reading this). I slept until 1pm, which I don't think I have done since sophomore year. When i finally decided to get out of bed (nearly an hour later), my roommates family was there to greet me eagerly with smiling faces. I spoke with them for a little while and when they decided to go eat lunch, I had the apartment to myself. I do not want to be rude- but the day was to be mine and mine alone- having to entertain and put on a smiling face was tough- especially after sleeping for 12 hours (is that mean?).
Next, I put in a movie, faked some homework, and putzed around for awhile. Now, I am not one to be fussy- but after sitting in my loungewear for 5 hours and watching lame movies- trying not to dwell on the fact that I had nothing better to do with myself- I was actually getting bored with myself. I know you are all wondering- how is that possible!?!?! I know I was wondering the very same thing... So I decided to share my wonderful self with my fellow blogger and walk next door.
She had a hot date to get to- of course- so I went home after a few hours, and ordered pizza, lit some candles, and chowed down on said pizza and enjoys my night of bliss alone! It turned out to be not so terrible. Oh, and the bf ended up skype chatting me moderately romantical sorts of things (cliche-ish, but sweet none the less- and I cannot believe I just said/wrote that)... Now, I loathe the day of love, but a night of eating, movies, and candles makes it tolerable to any person- you have to admit, am I right? And sorry if you enjoy the holiday- because many of you seem to...
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