Sina and Kenzie
I finally got my big break! The UMD Statesman did an article on bilingualism of students. My friend and I were pictured in the article with our professor.

Now you all know of my dislike for the German language, don't you think it's funny that they choose probably the two worst students in the German department to represent the bilingual students at school? My friend and I are the gals who sit in the very back of class and laugh, make jokes and can't take anything seriously while other students give us the stink eye and our teacher shakes her head at us 'schwesters'.

The funny part of the story is how we found out we were in the paper. Waiting at the bus stop for our bus to come, some guy reading the paper looks at us, then back down at his paper and back up again. He then says, "you two are in the paper" and we frantically run to check the pile of Statesman's on the bench. There we were, on page A3, wow... that's embarrassing.
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