Sina and Kenzie
I don't know about many of you but as a college student I don't like grocery shopping. I like having the food, just not spending the money. This usually results in a typical dinner of mac n' cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or rice. Not exactly the healthiest of meals but it gets the job done.

By far, some of the funniest things I've heard of people eating for meals have included such things as Ben and Jerry's ice cream for dinner, cheese and crackers until the crackers are gone and it's just cheese, but the best is probably the sweethearts (conversation hearts) for lunch... that'll fill you up! My meals usually end up being a concoction of what's in my cupboards and fridge, this usually means a very unbalanced meal.

You can tell from the meals above that I'm probably not the best cook or that I don't like to cook (all of the above). It gets too complicated for me. For instance, the two times I cooked dinner with a friend we made a lasagna and it turned into a popover and set off the fire alarm... twice! Let's just put it this way, the names of McKenzie and Julia Child will never be used in the same sentence.
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