Sina and Kenzie
Not exactly. I'm scared of heights so this was tough for me. Monkeys were jumping all over the place as we went flying across the canopy of the Costa Rican forest. Everyone was enjoying themselves whereas me, the baby of the bunch, was sweating profusely hoping not to plunge to my death at any second.

The trip was well worth it and something we were told we had to do in Costa Rica. Dad and Andy did Super Chico (aka, Superman) and Mom went upside down. I stuck to the ever comfortable fetal position with hands folded in prayer.

All I can say is I'm so so glad I did it, definitely a highlight of the vacation.
P.S. Below is a video of me on one of the ropes. They thought it would be funny to bounce me along seeing as I was the biggest scaredy cat in the group... not so funny guys! Enjoy!

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