Sina and Kenzie
To put it simply, we looked as if we were lobsters! Don't think we weren't diligent sunscreen appliers, we are. The sun was just too intense! Andy got it pretty bad. His little ski-slope nose had taken the beating of a lifetime.
Andy: "I'm never going in the sun again! Winters in Wisconsin, I'll be wearing sunscreen." (He's pictured to the right, protecting his skin from further damage)

We were still enjoying ourselves though and Mom scored us six free margaritas from a juice bar. The drinks were free for people from Caravan Tour group so what does Mom do, she scampers on up there and pretends to be with the tour. My
mother is bold with a capital B and would do anything you asked for... she keeps life, well, uh, interesting.
Below is a picture of Mama and I on the beach...
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