Sina and Kenzie
My dad booked us for a wonderful afternoon of sailing on a catamaran with an hour of snorkeling. The boat was gorgeous and we set sail on the Pacific. With endless drinks and great entertainment, we were destined to enjoy the afternoon. Unfortunately, I had suffered some terrible sun damage to my chest and had peeled off every inch of it... NEVER do this. Believe me, it is the most uncomfortable thing you can imagine. I grabbed my flippers and jumped in.. Owwww! It burned! I darted out of that ocean so fast I probably scared all the fish out of it anyone wanted to see.

So the rest of my day was spent laying in the hammock-like netting, looking down at the ocean I once loved and now hated.

We capped the night off with a beautiful sunset sail and headed for land. If I remember correctly, I fell asleep at 8 that night... fabulous!

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