Sina and Kenzie
I'm so excited that it's finally spring. Even though spring in Duluth is typically like winter, I still enjoy the thought of flowers blooming and Easter egg hunts.

The thought of spring is just so refreshing! After all these months of dead winter and a mostly monochromatic landscape (brown), I can usually manage to get my butt into gear. Yes, the procrastinating still sticks but I try to do my spring cleaning and enjoy the outdoors a little more. We have definitely been blessed in Duluth this spring with better weather than usual. Hopefully, that sentence didn't just jinx us... sorry if a blizzard rolls in this weekend!

I guess what I'm trying to say is get outside and enjoy this. All I want to do is wear a light sweater, some sandals and ride a bike down on the boardwalk. In fact, that's my goal this weekend! Who cares about those papers and homework and paintings due. I suggest you all do the same. Give your hard working selves a break and lets rejoice at the fact that spring is here!
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